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少不了, NC -中央卡罗莱纳社区学院(推荐正规买球平台)收到了52美元,从北卡罗来纳州能源办公室获得了1万美元的拨款,用于扩大其创新的生物燃料项目.&, Thern money will help fund new educational outreach initiativesrn as well as the purchase of a mobile biofuels laboratory.

推荐正规买球平台于2002年开始在该学院位于匹兹堡的查塔姆郡校区的继续教育部门开设生物燃料课程.&,&, Over 60rn participants have learned about alternative fuel sources during five sessionsrn of the 14-week course.&, Participants learn how to make biodiesel using recycledrn vegetable oil from local restaurants.&, With the additional funding, 该学院计划扩大生物燃料课程的数量和种类.

“我们对这项资助提供的机会感到非常兴奋,雷切尔恩·伯顿说, 推荐正规买球平台生物燃料讲师.&, “We look forward to using thisrn money to teach people about the viability of alternative fuels.”

这笔拨款是北卡罗来纳州能源办公室清洁技术拨款的一部分, 哪个目标是全州的教育机构.&, 推荐正规买球平台rn was the only college that received funding; the rest of the funds went to highrn school programs.&, The State Energy Office hopes to raise awareness ofrn alternative fuel sources through the grant initiatives.

部分拨款将用于支付生物燃料车间的费用, 在查塔姆县和全州的指定地点,burtonn和其他学院人员将领导谁.&, Funding for salaries, 旅费和其他费用包括在补助金中,为全州各地的组织举办最多六个周末讲习班.

用赠款购买的生物燃料流动实验室将用于所有讲习班.&, The lab will give participants the opportunity to manufacturern biodiesel and compare it to traditional fuels. 该车还将用于当地学校和组织的研讨会和讲座.