



威廉·S. “芯片”脑袋, 推荐正规买球平台市场通讯员

SANFORD - Everyone was transfixed on the computer monitor as Danielle Bruner gave a tour of the mouth.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的口腔卫生临床协调员使用嵌入在一英尺长的白色魔杖中的专用相机,她的一名学生作为她的病人,在口腔和牙齿周围旋转, 不时停下来指出口腔解剖结构,甚至是午餐剩下的一小片生菜.

Along the journey, Bruner answered plenty of questions. She talked about what she would tell her patient based on what she was seeing. She gave her perspective about what it's really like to work as a dental hygienist. 一路上有很多故事, too; some were funny and others, 好吧, let's just say they were not for the squeamish.

This hour-long session on intraoral photography was part of Prep for Success Academy, 为期四天的, 暑期计划旨在向未来的学生介绍牙科辅助和牙科卫生方面的职业,特别是代表牙科专业急需的各种少数民族的学生.

所有围在牙科椅旁参加口腔内摄影介绍的学生都是通过申请程序选出的推荐正规买球平台学生, complete with an essay and letter of recommendation. 一旦承认, they get to participate all week in free workshops on a broad range of dental topics, 如何在大学里取得更大的成功,以及如何最好地驾驭推荐正规买球平台竞争激烈的牙科项目申请过程.

Think of Prep for Success Academy as a mix of dental education, 学术咨询和大学招生.

艾米Gustavson, who delivered a one-hour session the previous day on time management and self-advocacy, 他说,许多参与者都是第一代大学生,他们试图在竞争激烈的学术项目中找到方向. More than 100 students applied for 18 seats in 推荐正规买球平台's dental hygiene program last year, 她说, 他们是根据分数制度选出来的,分数制度奖励学生的学术准备和实际活动,这些活动表明学生对参加大学牙科课程是认真的. By understanding intricacies of the process, they can maximize their chance of admission.

But it's not just about exploring dental professions and gaining admission. 顾名思义, 为成功做准备还可以帮助学生建立彼此之间的社区意识,并与大学教职员工建立联系,这将有助于他们在校园取得成功.

利内特·埃尔南德斯·罗德里格斯(Linette Hernandez Rodriguez)是推荐正规买球平台的第二年学生,在收到一封电子邮件邀请后,她申请了“成功准备”(Prep for Success)——这封邮件听起来太棒了,她几乎把这个机会当作某种骗局而不予理睬. Though she's just halfway through the four days, Hernandez Rodriguez said the experience has already intensified her interest in dental hygiene. She's now focused on finishing one prerequisite class, 继续建立对成功至关重要的关系网,完善她在3月份提交的申请.

In the back of her mind, she's playing with the idea of eventually becoming an orthodontist. Right now, though, she's focused entirely on preparing to work as a dental hygienist.

李安·莉莉(LeeAnn Lilly)在牙科学校有人打电话问她是否愿意尝试后,已经申请学习牙科辅助,并报名参加了“成功预备”课程. 答案是响亮的肯定. From the time she had a good experience with braces as a child, she thought this might be something she'd enjoy as a career. It matched her interests and her personality. Plus, as she puts it, "The whole mouth-thing never bothered me.“但这是一个确证的机会.

For Lilly, the experience was captivating from the start. Going into the week, she expected to be fascinated by the "ins and outs" of dentistry. 她没有预料到的是,所有的牙科教师和学生都很喜欢他们花时间来教室, get to know the participants and then share real encouragement and insight. "It's definitely given me more interest," 她说, "and a drive to do better."

TRiO 学生支援服务 Director 杰西卡·罗杰斯, 谁组织了“成功预备学院”, said this is the first time it has been offered, 但这不会是最后一次. 已经, 计划明年再次向牙科专业提供这一课程——同样的动手实验室, higher-education workshops and success coaching.

另一方面, 明年可能会有更多的东西可以提供:从本周发生的事情中得到启发的任何即将入学的牙科学生的见解. Because these students are already seeing themselves as part of a community.

After the intraoral photography clinic and just before the day ended, Bruner gathered students together in a circle. They went around, one by one, each student saying something she was thankful for. And then they put their hands into the center and counted, "One. 两个三. 队加油!"

For more information on 推荐正规买球平台 TRiO 学生支援服务, visit www.预备.edu/trio/sss. For more information on 推荐正规买球平台 Dental programs, visit www.预备.edu/curriculum/majors/dental.


第一代学院委员会和TRIO学生支持服务于11月30日至12月2日举办了一年一度的第一代学院庆祝活动, 2021年在所有三个校区开设课程. 举办这些活动是为了庆祝一年一度的全国第一代大学庆祝活动,以纪念1965年11月8日签署高等教育法的周年纪念日. 作为第一代学生意味着你的父母都没有完成学士学位.

collage of images from first generation celebration

We are excited to announce that we celebrated over 200 推荐正规买球平台 first-generation 教师, 工作人员, and students through recognizing their hard work, 毅力, and determination of being the first in their family to achieve/seek a higher education degree!

为期3天的第一代庆祝活动在位于Hockaday Hall的学生中心的Lee Main校区拉开帷幕, 庆祝活动随后在查塔姆校区图书馆的福尔摩斯厅举行, and wrapped up at the Harnett Main Campus in the Multipurpose room located in the Miriello Building. 作为推荐正规买球平台的教员, 工作人员, 学生们慢慢地进来了, 迎接他们的是热可可和精心制作的苹果酒,以及来自桑福德当地面包店的当地巧克力片和糖饼干. The events were decked out with whimsical holiday music, 壁炉噼啪作响的声音, and a magnificent balloon arch that participants could take pictures under. As participants stepped through the golden streamers in the doorway, they were greeted by event volunteers with warmth and excitement ready to celebrate.

Our shimmering photo booth station captured the moment with a polaroid camera. 人们说一张图片胜过千言万语, 但没有什么能与每个参与者留下的关于“第一代学生对我意味着什么”或“我支持第一代学生是因为”的鼓舞人心的信息相比。. We couldn’t let participants walk away with only holiday cheers, so we offered them the chance to “Step Right Up and Spin the Wheel”! Participants were happily surprised with various gift cards, 装满糖果的奖品杯, 大学提供, 还有更多!

你能相信我们的一些参与者来支持第一代学生,却发现他们也是第一代学生吗? It was clear that this event sparked feelings of being supported, welcomed, and recognized at 推荐正规买球平台. 我们很高兴地向大家报告新的联系, 支持系统, and experiences were shared throughout these few days. We even had a group of students that formed new friendships with one another!

给事件带来意义, TRIO学生支持服务将通过展示在活动中拍摄的所有鼓舞人心的信息和宝丽来照片来纪念第一代参与者. This “第一个-Generation Wall of Honor” will be located in Hockaday Hall, Student Center to raise awareness and continue to celebrate 推荐正规买球平台’s first-generation 教师, 工作人员, and students who have overcome barriers and successfully navigated the world of college.


第一个, 我们要感谢第一代委员会,通过他们持续的热情和支持,帮助计划和举办这次活动:安东尼·法里奥, Bianka Stumpf, 康斯坦斯Boahn, 戴恩彼得森, 坎迪斯索利斯, 丹尼斯·马丁, Falecia西蒙斯, 詹妮弗·狄龙, Jairo McMican, 杰西卡·罗杰斯, 詹妮弗Servi-Roberts, 开尔文狩猎, 凯蒂·琼斯, 劳伦黑色, 公主巷, 玛丽安Aucompaugh, 瑞安·布里登, 斯科特Byington, Suzannah帕伦博, 和维罗妮卡·哈里森.

我们特别要感谢志愿者杰西卡·罗杰斯,是她让这一天的活动变得生机勃勃,让这一天变得特别, 瑞安·布里登, Suzannah帕伦博, Veronica哈里森, Falecia西蒙斯, 詹妮弗·巴伯, 艾米Gustavson, 赛斯布坎南, Bianka Stumpf, 希瑟·威利特院长, 詹妮弗·狄龙, 公主巷, 坎迪斯索利斯, 斯科特Byington, 詹妮弗Servi-Roberts, 霍利斯科菲尔德, 林肯Frye, 戴恩彼得森, 康斯薇拉硬砂岩, 凯蒂·琼斯, 辛迪页面, 雷吉娜·明特主厨, 和厨师凯利·伯顿.

感谢劳伦·布莱克, 蒂芙尼尼达姆, 以及Kelly Brucker,她帮助促进了对健康科学建筑学生的对话和认识, 教师, 工作人员要求分发传单和饼干,以帮助这些建筑物中的人们感到特别和庆祝.

最后, 我们非常感谢马克·霍尔教务长和约翰·马修斯教务长的特别出席. Chapman for her consistent support of 推荐正规买球平台’s first-generation 教师, 工作人员, and students.

TRIO 学生支援服务 offers academic coaching, 大学转学资助, 职业咨询, 金融知识, 文化之旅, 给予援助, and so much more to currently enrolled students at 推荐正规买球平台. If you know a current 推荐正规买球平台 student who is a first-generation college student, TRiO 学生支援服务 accepts and welcomes referrals through our website or by clicking this 教职员推荐表格. 我们也愿意亲自访问您的班级或虚拟与您的学生谈论TRIO SSS的服务. If you are interested in TRIO SSS visiting your class please sign up using this link: 三重奏sss_2022春季班访问表.

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  • 艾米·贝尔